Wednesday 2 December 2009

Need Help?

Are you having difficulties finding the information you need? We can help you!

We can come and show you how to access full text journals at your desktop.
If you need more - we can give you a personalised training session on searching for information. If you need less - we can give you a short refresher on using the library web pages. To find out more and to arrange a visit contact the library - 0161 446 3455.

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About Us

The Kostoris Library offers a friendly and pleasant environment for studying.
Resources include:
> A large collection of online journals (which can be accessed from the library's web pages)
> A journal archive of specialist literature.
> A comprehensive specialist book collection and specialist cancer resources.
> A comprehensive range of services to help you keep up to date with the latest published research literature and health news.

Find out more on the library website

The views expressed on News@Kostoris Library website/weblog are from library staff and do not necessarily reflect the views of our employer. We uphold due respect to our institution, its employees, customers, partners, and competitors.